Tuesday, November 30, 2010

One Week in...

Already I can see some difference in my life since I started this experiment - and it's only been about a week!

I'm not a particularly negative person, but I don't think we realise exactly how many negative thoughts hinder us on a daily basis.

We all have our own unique self-esteem issues, secret problems and day-to-week-to-month obstacles - but this week has really taught me shift my paradigms; to explore the other side of something which may just seem insurmountable. Something which before would have seen me reaching for the 'I-am-wallowing-in-self-pity' binge tray of chocolate. 

So I urge you (if anyone is reading this) to push yourself to Say Thanks Anyway. Try it for a month and see what happens.

Personally, I can't wait to see how my perceptions will have changed after a month of this!

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Politics of People

Today I decided to Say Thanks Anyway for family.

You know the people who irritate you more than anyone else ever could? They come with their very own manual of dysfunction. They seem to thrive on drama, and have create a certain sordid social politics to which you must adhere (if not, the repercussions are unfathomable)...

Well, those are the people you will realise, despite all their flaws, will always be there when you need them the most.

After spending the weekend with my sister, I have a renewed strength for the week ahead.

The sense of loneliness that was getting me down has diminished. Simply by talking to her about it, and her just listening - and most importantly, letting me know she's always there...so loneliness is really just a state of mind.

It wasn't simply the talking and listening. It was the shared history between us - when I spoke, she understood where I was coming from. She understands who, in essence, I really am. There are no pretenses and masks in our relationship.

I have never found that with anyone outside of my family. In the real world, there are always pedestals and hierarchies. People box you into certain categories, and it's very hard to escape.

Yes, these are all cliches - but sometimes things are cliches because they're just so true!

So cut your family some slack. There's no such thing as the perfect family - but when you fall on your butt and make a complete arse of yourself, they're the ones who will help you wipe the dust from the back of your pants and move on.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Different Shapes of Love

I have to admit, during some situations it's harder to interpret the positive undertones.

I've liked the same guy for a few years now. We're close friends - I see him all the time, we share secrets, stories, happiness - you get the gist.

But that's it. We're friends. No more, no less.

So when we went out last night, and he found a girl he was interested in, I must admit I wasn't quite sure how to handle it. Being the kind of person who never lets on to her emotions at all, I pretended to be happy for him - hell, I was his wing-woman, guiding him in the way of a woman's heart. Perverse some might say. I call it self-preservation.

Nothing came of his infatuation. Yes, I was pleased - but that's not really the point. The point is that at some stage he will strike gold, and I will have to learn to cope with it.

And so I suppose my silver lining is this: there isn't always going to be a happy ending with everyone you love. But I want to Say Thanks Anyway that I'm blessed enough to have this amazing man in my life (in whichever shape he comes) - life would be just that little bit more dreary without him!

Weight a second...

First up, you should all know that I am on Weight Watchers. Yes, that's exactly how paranoid I am about my ever-expanding waistline.

However, rather than standing in front of the mirror, drearily contemplating the deepening pit of cellulite that had acquired permanent residence status on my thighs, I took action. (Not instantaneous action mind you, I have been wallowing in my fat-rolls for some time now...)

In the past few weeks I have detoxed, displayed superhuman resistance to chocolate, and ultimately lost 5 kg.

But before you all break out into a spontaneous song-and-dance routine showcasing your tremendous support, I have some bad news. These past 3 weeks saw me gain 1.6 kg.

YES! I succumbed to the siren-call of cookie-dough!

But in the wake of this bad news, I find myself more determined than ever to lose the remaining weight. This setback is like a second wind to me.

And so it is (with a great appreciation of the irony) that i can Say Thanks Anyway for the added pounds. Without them weighing so heavily on my conscience I may have lost all resolve to conquer the bulge!

New Beginnings

This is my early New Years resolution - to see the positive (teeny though it may be) within the negative.

You know those days when the silver lining seems overshadowed by that giant murky cloud? Well, I've decided that those are the days that 'I'll say thanks anyway'.

So here's the skinny on me, the things I don't like but have decided to be grateful for - or at least attempt to:

  • I'm a single female, living in a new city, maneuvering my way into a pseudo-social-life. (so far, so bad)
  • I'm overweight. Nothing major. But nothing little about it either. It's the root of many insecurities, and something I'm actively working on. Watch this space...
  • Most days I just live - have you ever wondered if there's anyone out there who has time to stop and smell the roses? I want to be that person. 
So here's to my new beginning! If you read this, you'll witness my very public attempt to appreciate the small things in life. Enjoy!