Tuesday, January 25, 2011

So Many Questions!

There's one thing I've never figured out in life...when is it appropriate to speak up, and when do you shut up?!

How do you know which situation calls for which stance?

Are there some things that are just worth fighting for more than others? Or are some things just more socially respectable to clamour about?

I've never really been a stickler for rules and normalcy. In fact, I'll admit I'm a little weird. Ok fine, a lot weird. Which is cool - you know...be yourself, don't conform (the stuff they teach you on The Muppets), so I sometimes keep quiet when I should be screaming, and vice verse.

But is this an innate human trait that we're all meant to possess, or are we just meant to grope our way through a maze of difficult decisions?

As you could read in my last post, life's feeling a bit tough at the moment - but who am I meant to confront about it? There are so many various forces wreaking havoc in my life, but who can I talk to? Or do I just keep it to myself? Is it, essentially, my own fault (in which case no one really deserves to be confronted!)

I'm lost in the maze, facing a cul-de-sac...

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