I haven't blogged in a while - and sadly I have no excuse. Pure laziness is what it is.
But although I haven't been writing in this blog, inspiration has struck. I have started adding some bits, bobs and paragraphs to my (long suffering) novel.
It seems that this year's personal dilemmas may lead to some riveting (if somewhat angsty) reading. It may not be an autobiography, but "Oscar Wilde was right when he stated that:
"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth."
Before, this blog was a bit of a mask for me - a cathartic catalyst medium for finally expressing what I really feel. I hope it always will be...because as I've found in the last few months, there is no such thing as too many avenues in which to have a good whinge (while looking on the bright side of course:)
So today I Say Thanks Anyway for the therapeutic experience of writing. Here's to hoping we never stop expressing ourselves through the written word.